Which is better for your hair - the Yuko hair straightening treatment or the new Brazilian blow dry?

Asked by lomi-lomi

4 answers

Top answer
Depending on what your hair condition and what degree of straightness you desire would be the primary question to help answer that. The Yuko System will give you more permanent results if you desire totally straight hair, but may not best service if you have damaged or colored treated hair. The Brazilian Keratin Treatments help with giving great conditioning benefits to the hair, but are semi-permanent they last 2-4 months, and vary in their degree of straightness depending on the formula. The BKT is an amazing conditioning service, gives you wonderful results if done properly, and doesn't alter the hair permanently. The BKT will eliminate up to 80% of frizz and smooth curls/
Search Treatwell for Ladies' Brazilian Blow Dry near you
It can be combination of yuko hair straightening and Brazilian blow dry with DC Han who is best texture expert in london. I have recommended by him this service to achieve both removing my frizz and health and smooth hair. It actually worked. Specially,as this seem semi permanent yuko result, my hair still look straighter and easier to style after BB washed off. He is truly understanding all about hair re-texturising.
Brazilian is the best for hair I have black people hair and i did my hair at home with a kit from amazon for £27.99 it's the best !
Two different things!
Yuko: permanent straightening that can not be used on bleached or over stressed/fragile hair as it will make it worse if not break it! But an excellent treatment if you have the right hair for it as it will straighten permanently until you get re-growth.
Brazilian: semi permanent will last 3-5 months depending on individuals hair and how often you wash it. Due to this it is less of a commitment than the permanent option as you will never get re-growth. Can be used on any type of hair, bleached, dry, normal, curly, damaged etc. It will only improve the condition of your hair and you can do it as often as you like leaving it soft and shiny. It will calm your hair from frizz and smooth out curls without taking them away completely. It should not be sold as a straightening system. Perfect for damaged frizzy hair that you always straighten as you cannot do anything else with BUT your hair will get even more damaged it you do not have this treatment as all you will need to do after it is BLOW DRY. It's a revolutionary treatment that my clients are loving!