I've had lots of colours in my hair over the years. How can I have them all removed completely?

Asked by mummypotts

3 answers

Haircolor to help create softness and shine.
Use a shampoo and conditioner.
Avoid exposing your hair to the sun.
It's very easy for you.
Try it.
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Hi the only way to remove the colour is to grow the colour out naturally. Or visit your nearest/local salon for a consultation where they will advise on colours and might advise for an all over colour. Hope that helps.
the colour you put in years ago should have grown out by now unless you have extremely long hair.
it depends what colours you have had on your hair, sometimes the colour pigment can be removed with colour remover but unfortunately the damage will still be there.
My advice would be to have your hair all coloured your natural colour and use lots of intensive treatments and regular trims until it grows out.