Can regular massage help with the aches and pains related to coeliac disease?

Asked by AngharadM

4 answers

a light gentle massage could help to relieve the aches and pains but no treatment should be provided unless supported by the GP
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the aches and pains associated with coeliac diseases completely disappear when strictly avoiding Gluten. Massage although proven to be extremely efficacious with all forms of aches and pain cannot be a substitute for diet. The type of massage also has to be adapted to the cause of pain. Often pain is caused by swelling so the massage must be light and structured to assist lymphatic drainage. If pain is referred from inappropriate muscle tension and spasms then the massage must be on specifically associated muscles and much deeper. There are also clear energetic connections between pain and acupuncture meridians and a massage that incorporates acupressure will be most appropriate.
Kinesiology is the best tool to assess the cause, type and remedies (including the type of massage needed). Best to choose a massage therapist who understand the multidimensional nature of pain and is able to understand the need for a holistic treatment
Anne-Lise Miller kinesiologist, massage practitioner, nutritionist
Yes - but acupuncture is even better.