I have extremely dry skin, will waxing irritate this?

I have eczema on the backs of my legs which is irritated by shaving, so I usually use hair removal cream. Would waxing be a better option for me and can the therapist use a wax specifically designed for sensitive skin?
Asked by KatieInnes

3 answers

Mobile Beauty Therapist
Sugaring has the exact same results as the new craze Brazilian honey waxing. But sugaring originates in Egypt, this is where I trained.
Now you can remove all body & facial hair effectively & with minimal discomfort. Its 100% natural (its edible), gentle & lasts twice as long as waxing!! 
Sugaring is a pure all-natural hair removal method. Its considered the oldest & still the best method for hair removal & effective for all hair textures. It is often compared to waxing because both are sticky but that’s where the comparison ends. 
If you have sensitive skin then sugaring is the best choice. The sugar paste only adheres to your hair & pulls them out by the root without sticking to the skin causing no irritation .
It is a less painful, hypo-allergenic method of hair removal. Re-growth is slow so this method of hair removal can last up to 6 weeks, which is comparable to how long laser treatment lasts & so makes it a good hair removal alternative. It is safe for the entire body & face. 
With regular treatments the hairs become sparse, softer & lighter in colour, therefore less noticeable between treatments. Frequent sugaring can also cause the hair follicle to shrink which permanently stops the growing hair. 
Sugaring also works as a body exfoliant which greatly adds to the smooth, soft after affect clearly enjoyed by clients. 
Experience has shown that the anticipation is often worse than the process itself. 
Now you can remove all body & facial hair effectively & with minimal discomfort. 100% natural, gentle & lasts for weeks. 
You have no excuse from here on out . . . 
So . . . . 
When will you discover body sugaring? 
Please contact me for more information or for a booking.
Lena 07852002319
http://www.la-belle-vie.co (not.com or .co.uk)
Search Treatwell for Ladies' Waxing near you
Sugaring has the exact same results as the new craze Brazilian honey waxing. But sugaring originates in Egypt, this is where I trained.
Now you can remove all body & facial hair effectively & with minimal discomfort. Its 100% natural (its edible), gentle & lasts twice as long as waxing!!
Sugaring is a pure all-natural hair removal method. Its considered the oldest & still the best method for hair removal & effective for all hair textures. It is often compared to waxing because both are sticky but that’s where the comparison ends.
If you have sensitive skin then sugaring is the best choice. The sugar paste only adheres to your hair & pulls them out by the root without sticking to the skin causing no irritation .
It is a less painful, hypo-allergenic method of hair removal. Re-growth is slow so this method of hair removal can last up to 6 weeks, which is comparable to how long laser treatment lasts & so makes it a good hair removal alternative. It is safe for the entire body & face.
With regular treatments the hairs become sparse, softer & lighter in colour, therefore less noticeable between treatments. Frequent sugaring can also cause the hair follicle to shrink which permanently stops the growing hair.
Sugaring also works as a body exfoliant which greatly adds to the smooth, soft after affect clearly enjoyed by clients.
Experience has shown that the anticipation is often worse than the process itself.
Now you can remove all body & facial hair effectively & with minimal discomfort. 100% natural, gentle & lasts for weeks.
You have no excuse from here on out . . .
So . . . .
When will you discover body sugaring?
Please contact me for more information or for a booking.
Lena 07852002319
I am based in London, East London & Essex
I have a few clients that get irritated eczema when shaving, they have converted to waxing and have not had a problem with irritation. But this will vary depending onthe therapist and product used.