Is Pilates suitable for someone who suffers from back problems?

Asked by rosalyn-gomersall

1 answer

Top answer
Hi Rosalyn,
Yes, Pilates would be great for someone with back problems and so would yoga - providing you choose the right approach.
Scaravelli inspired yoga focuses on re-discovering how flexible our spines can be, and on re-awakening the natural movement and freedom that comes from developing length and space throughout the structures. This is a gentle approach, working in simple postures, which help to release unnecessary excessive tension and restore the body to its natural rhythms and ease of movement.
Although 1:1 sessions are best suited to those who are suffering an acute phase of back pain (and anyone suffering back pain should always be assessed first by a medically recognised specialist - eg physiotherapist), there are courses dedicated to working with those who have chronic back issues. I'm just about to start such a course at Triyoga in Primrose Hill, so if you have any questions, or if I can help further, please do get in touch.
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