I have small white bumps under my skin around my chin, how do I get rid of them?

They are small, hard, white lumps. They never come to a pimple head but look like raised bumps on my face. I have sensitive skin but cleanse and exfoliate regularly and moisturise twice a day. How can I get rid of these?
Asked by Staceys86

11 answers

Top answer
Hello there, it sounds like a condition called millia, to me...which you can have professionally extracted.. It could be as simple to resolve as changing your skincare products?
Try to stay away from mineral oils and other snythetic ingredients, which can block the skin. I'd advise you to body brush to stimulate your circulation and take supplements to give the skin the nutrition it needs. Good luck with resolving it.
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Beauty starts from the inside
Hi. I am Julia Rhodes, the principal colon therapist at West London Colonics. (WLC)
Wahanda page: http://www.wahanda.com/place/west-london-colonics/
So here’s my perspective on the ultimate facial; it’s one you may not have heard of, and which is hardly likely to be top of mind when thinking
of having a facial .It involves tubing and plenty of water…
Hydration is all the vogue these days; it’s in every health professionals top 5 recommendation. But this is hydration with a difference!
Its called Colonic Hydrotherapy. OK, the term is a mouthful, but this is a mostly well-regarded alternative therapy, with ancient roots, and was once common practice in hospitals. Pity that cost cutting measures pushed it out of the forefront. Whilst of course I am biased (being a practicing colon therapist) I believe it is one of the most rejuvenating and healing treatments one can have. Colonic hydrotherapy provides an internal wash (when was the last time you had one?) that leaves many people with a spring in their step and a glowing sense of well being afterwards. What’s the procedure? The link above gives details;briefly, it involves the gentle introduction of filtered water into the colon to progressively soften waste, and facilitate its movement out of the body. The steady flow in and out of water stimulates the colon musculature helping it to regain natural tone, shape and peristaltic action. You might call it a form of internal fitness training. Benefits are many, but one can expect progressive, gentle relief from bloating and constipation, as well improved mental clarity, improved sleep clearer skin.
This sounds like the condition called millia. The dermatologists at Skin Beautiful London treat millia and skin tags using a hyfercator. The medical procedure is called hyfercation.
While enjoying a cupYou will have Emla cream applied for about 30-45 minutes to numb the area to be treated prior to treatment. You can enjoy a cup a tea The hyfercation treatment is a very safe procedure. The treatment time is approximately 10 minutes depending on the area to be treated.
We are open late evenings and Sundays as well.
Thank you all for your help. I have asked my doctor to see a dermatologist as I haven't been able to find a salon that can remove milia if thats what it is. Thanks again
Princess Soraya Salon M: 077 303 966 96
Email: fahari@talk21.com
You need a free consultation,in order to see what is the problem. It is difficult
to reply without seeing, consulting.
You can tel and book a free consultation.
If you want to stop a skin condition it's helpful to know the cause and the most common cause of milia is a defficiency of omega 3. Supplementing internally with an Omega 3 supplement is recommended - and/or via your diet with omega 3 rich foods - and applying a serum and/or a moisturiser high in omega 3. The chin isn't the most common site for milia so it would be good to get a proper diagnosis but there aren't many skin conditions that won't be helped by some additional omega 3.
Yes - sounds like Milia to me too.
I agree that these are likely milia although not such a common site for these(usually aound eye/cheek area)I have many clients with this problem and they can be easily removed in the short term but if you are prone to these then I find using a glycolic wash(which will exfoiate the skin gently but better than a physical exfoliator)and there are formulas suitable for sensitive skins(MD Formulations is one I know offhand)and perhaps a gentle peel with enzymes or lactic acid.,Best to have a consultation to properly determine treatment strategy,and check your home routine and products.
It sounds very like Milia, it is common and can fairly easily fixed. but go and see skin specialist for consultation.
As to the person who wrote definitely allergy ??? Firstly why would you think it was appropriate to make a definitive diagnosis based on so little information and without examining the skin...scary :-(
Hello Stacey
If you don't live too far, please just pop in my salon and let me have a look on your skin. The consultation is free. It might be not so bad and your problem could be solved with a proper facial. No need to worry too much.
Our salon is in Hendon
7 queen parade
nw4 3ap


I live in Glasgow Scotland but thank. Could any salon do this for me? thanks
Hello. These are definitely of allergic nature, unless you have seen your doctor and ruled out other possibilities. Food intolerance can be very often a course. If the pimples result of a food intolerance - there will be no chance to clear them with just a beauty regime. You may have remission times but flair ups will be there any time you eat something your body does not like. I have a number of cases regarding skin health resolved in my clinic. For your consultation please call 07985272707 or visit http://www.metabalancehealthclinic.co.uk


i definitely agree that its best to deal with this systemically.
Julia Rhodes , principal colon hydrotherapist at West London Colonics
Wahanda page: http://www.wahanda.com/place/west-london-colonics/