I am five months pregnant, is it safe for me to have a spray tan?

Asked by mel-76

7 answers

Absolutely! I gave and received Spray Tans all the way through both my pregnancies!
Search Treatwell for Spray Tanning and Sunless Tanning near you
Yes as below it is fine after your first trimester
It's fine after first trimester :)
Yes its safe beacause it develop only in epidermis without any damage for dermis.
Yes it is safe...insurance companies advise therapist's not to spray clients who are in their first trimester as a precaution because it is the most risky stage of any pregnancy.
DHA (the tanning agent in spray-tans) is a natural substance and is only toxic if inhaled, in large quantities. Essentail oils can also be toxic but are also amazingly beneficial when used correctly.
Hope this helps.
Ps - I offer a selection of tans (Organic, Express, Light - Medium etc.) In the comfort of your own home; around the london area.
Hi there, yes its safe i continued to have spray tans when i was pregnant i had one the day before i was induced lol i would always say dont do anyting in the first trimester but you are 5months gone so you will be fine.