Can electrolysis help to remove hairs from my chin

Asked by debonair123

3 answers

Hi there,
I would suggest electrolysis, if done correctly it is very successful, also if it is only a few hairs this method treats individual hairs, using an electrical current sent through a needle directly into each hair follicle. while laser or I.P.L is fantastic at hair reduction, it treats whole areas which normally have to be shaved down prior to treatment. not something you want on your face if only for a few hairs. Better suited to bikini line legs or excessive facial hair. Also price is something to consider if only for a few hairs electrolysis charges normally by the time, while laser charges per area (more expensive).
hope this is helpful :)
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It will help but from a personal point of view, I would try laser treatment. For many years, I tried all sorts of hair removal on my bikini line; waxing and electrolysis but neither gave me the results I wanted. I have now had laser hair removal done and I can honestly say it has changed my life. No more rashes, ingrowing hairs etc, I can just go swimming whenever I like. Seriously, if the hair on your chin bugs you that much, pay a bit more for laser. You will not regret it.
yes it can, as long as you do not pluck - you can in between treatments bleach, - electrolysis weakens the hair at the bulb