What can I eat or use to make my hair thicker?

After health issues my hair has become very thin (and my scalp very sore). What can I use either on my hair that's gentle or supplements/diet-wise that can help thicken it again? Thanks!
Asked by Judy-J

9 answers

Top answer
Apart from a natural, healthy diet I suggest to take Folic Acid and Zinc plus a braod spectrum multi vitamin & mineral supplement, initially in high dosage for two to three weeks, after which you most likely can reduce dosage. Also, look into eliminating any 'residue' from recent medication and or toxins in your system, as they can prevent uptake of nutrients. However, it would be best to test the above as every person differs - I suggest 'Kinesiology' as a testing modality as it is extremely accurate! For more info visit http://www.energy4health.co.uk
Good luck!


Thank you, this is really helpful! What does Kinesiology involve?
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Eat and drink tons of vitamins.It is best to eat a healthy diet consisting of fiber and calcium.avoid washing your hair every day.
Obviously to use a derma roller with serum treatment on you if you have a sore scalp would depend on seeing it first but it is an extremely effective treatment which when used with only herbal natural serums would definitely hep
Horsetail tea is fantastic for rebuilding your hair strength. You can buy it online or from good independent healthfood stores. Tastes mild & nice (I know the name doesnt sound like the flavour would be appealing but it is herbal rather than equine :-).
Good luck
From: Firouzeh AHARI
Princess Soraya Salon
38 Rosemont Road,
London NW3 6NE
Email: fahari@talk21.com
M; 07802 783 462
In the salon we use professional serum which thickens the hair. It must be
applied once a week for 4 to 6 weeks.
Then, results are visible. You then, maintain it once a month for new
hair that grows out.
Another excllent program is Italian supplier, specific Hair Serums
applied 3 times a week at home to the scalp. These will strengthen the
hair root and allow to grow new hair. I have had fantastic results
for Hair growth with this range from Italy,.
Please tel me and I will do Consultation and advise you what is best.
Kinesiology uses manual muscle testing to tap into the central computer (your brain) to give bio-feedback, enabling the practitioner to test and find out what your body needs to heal itself. It is one of the only true holistic therapies, testing and treating the physical, emotional, energetical and nutritional side of the problem each time. You can search for local Kinesiologists at http://www.systematic-kinesiology.co.uk
You health issues will undoubtedly have affected your hair & skin. I a healthy diet full of fresh fruit, vegetable & good quality meat. Oily fish is fantastic to aid fabulous glossy hair. Dependant on the medication you've taken it will take between 6 months & a year to leave your system, but you should see your hair improve with time. Treat yourself to a weekly professional blow dry, your hairdresser will give your hair far more volume than you will be able to & adjust the products to suit you best.
Hello, we love to give you a straight answer via internet but it need to be assessed by professionals. If you use wrong products on your scalp, it could make it worst. What you need is the right advice, please feel free to contact us on 0207 033 9319. We do not charge for a consultation.
Vitamins and minerals are essential for maintaining healthy hair, skin and nails. You should take them from natural products (veg, fruit, fish and meet), and then take supplement for the support. But you may need a proper guidance from your doctor or nutritionist especially if you had a health issue. Smoking and the irregular sleep cycle does not help at all.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
With Best Wishes
Diet is invariably having a profound efect on your health as it does everyone else. Nutrient intake is related to either good or bad health, the old adage you are what you eat is so true. Therefore if you eat crap, by that I mean processed foods, sugar and grains every aspect of your health and therefore life will suffer. So to the point in question, for your hair and skin coconut oil is excellent, either directly applied or used in frying. On top of this only eat real foods, not the stuff you have to read the label to understand what it is or how to cook it.