Anything I can do for damaged ligaments in my knee? Impossible to keep foot elevated all day.

Asked by BhaveshU

3 answers

Follow the program Acupuncture can help the healing , needles can be placed in the other side to give the whole body a boost, also it can help with the frustration of being not able to do much , some ear points are good to, hope this helps
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If you have been assessed by your GP with damaged ligaments do follow their advice. Depending on the severeity it will take some time to heal and you may need surgery if the ligament is fully ruptured. If it is a partial rupture or a simple ligament sprain then use the rice method however it will take a while to fully heal.
Once you have fully recovered take care as you will have a weakness there for some time.
keep well
You should follow the "PRICE' procedure to manage any type of soft tissue injury to your knee. PRICE stands for the following.
-Protection. Protect your injury from further harm.
-Rest. Rest the injury for the first two to three days, then reintroduce movement so you don't lose too much muscle strength.
-Ice. Apply a cold compress such as ice or a bag of frozen peas wrapped in a towel to help reduce swelling and bruising. Don't apply ice directly to your skin as it can damage your skin.
-Compression. Compress the joint by bandaging it to support the injury and help decrease swelling.
-Elevation. Elevate your knee by resting it above the level of your heart and keep it supported.
There are certain things you should not do in the first three days after your injury to avoid doing further damage to your knee. These can be remembered as HARM.
-Heat. This includes having a hot bath or using a heat pack.
-Alcohol. Drinking alcohol can increase bleeding and swelling in the affected area.
-Running or other forms of exercise.
-Massaging the injured knee. This can cause more swelling or bleeding.
You may need to use crutches or wear a brace to make sure that you keep weight off the affected knee.
You can buy painkillers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen to treat mild and moderate pain. Your GP may prescribe stronger painkillers if your pain is severe. As well as easing your pain, painkillers may help to any reduce inflammation and swelling. Always read the patient information that comes with your medicine and if you have questions, ask your pharmacist or doctor for advice.
If your injury is more severe or complex, your GP may refer you to a physiotherapist (a health professional who specialises in movement and mobility). You can also choose to see a physiotherapist privately. He or she will develop a programme of rehabilitation exercises to gradually strengthen your knee and stretch your muscles. These exercises will vary depending on the kind of injury you have and how severe it is. Your physiotherapist may also use various techniques to help speed up the healing of your knee.
Braces to support your knee are occasionally used during rehabilitation, usually when an injury has been severe.
In some situations, you may need to have surgery to repair the injury to your knee. This is likely to be the case if:
- you have ruptured your lateral collateral ligament
-you have damaged your anterior cruciate ligament and you do a lot of sport, or have also torn cartilage or your medial collateral ligament - you may need a reconstruction operation, which involves taking a graft of tendon (usually from your kneecap) to replace the damaged ligament
-more than one ligament or tissue in your knee has been damaged
-you have torn your patellar tendon
-your knee remains painful or locks after a meniscus injury
Hope it will help


Thanks so much. Rest and ice and needed to be appreciated more. Never considered the implications of alcohol. Oops!
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