I would love to do hot stone massage can anyone recommend a good course in the north east?

I live in the North East and want to do a hot stones course can anyone recommend a good course?
Asked by StarMassageTherapies

6 answers

Top answer
Good Morning,
Fantaisia has training available for all levels pleas contact us fantaisia@hotmail.co.uk
if you would like futher information.
Kind Regards
Search Treatwell for Hot Stone Massage near you
Above & Beyond Therapy offer Beauty Guild Accredited training courses. If you're interested we work 1 on 1 on days to suit rather than having to wait ages to fit in with everyone else!
We are based in Sheffield within the Sheffield Park Hotel (S8 8BW)
If you want any further information please drop me an email at info@Aboveandbeyondtherapy.co.uk or phone us direct on 01142 828290
Come down to London and study with us, it will be worth it.
I could show you how to do a Stone Massage, we are based at Milton Keynes. Do you know how to do a body massage already?
gatewayworkshops carry out accedited diploma course in this.
I appreciate your positive feedback for the responce.
Hi! Have you checked through your Association if they can recommend a course and gain cpd points at the same time? Work checking out as your first point of call. Good luck!