What is the best way to reduce cortisol levels in the body?

Asked by aaronbryans

15 answers

Top answer
It is a catabolic steroid hormone released by your adrenal gland. Reducing stress level helps you to reduce your cortisol level but it doesnt have to be an emotional stress. Bad diet, skipping meals, consuming refined carbohydrate, infections, overtraining can be one of the reasons which put stress in your body.
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Cortisol is regarded as a stress hormone .its production is trigger by stress.Anything that reduces stress will automatically reduce cortisol level in the blood. importantly, daily use of vitamin C and relaxation method like having sex; listening to music and massage help in bringing the level of cortisol down also cut down the the level of caffeine intake.
I agree with most of the comments about nutrition. you need to balance your blood glucose by eating a diet with a low glycemic load (protein at very meal/snack, and low GI carbs) Supplements such as B vits, vitamin C and magnesium can help as the body uses up more during stress. It's also important to find out what stage of stress you are at as then you can adjust your supplement and exercise program according to your stress level. if you are in exhaustion stage it would be inappropriate to do aerobic/strenuous exercise. yoga can be very beneficial whatever your stress level. You could consider getting a stress test with a qualified nutritional therapist such as myself.
Cortisol is a by product of stress, as the other therapists have said. Yoga is profoundly effective in reducing stress, specifically pranayama (breath exercises), forward bends, and supported back bends (i.e. reclining with the chest open and back supported.
Yoga can reduce levels of cortisol, the so-called "stress hormone".
In a recent study conducted by Thomas Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia and the Yoga Research Society, 16 healthy new yogis participated in a 50-minute yoga class every day for seven days. On the day prior to their first class, they were instructed to sit quietly--reading and writing--for 50 minutes.
The subjects' cortisol levels didn't change much during the sitting period; they showed just the normal decrease that usually takes place in the late morning. But when the researchers measured the cortisol levels before and after the yoga class--which included postures such as Sarvangasana (Shoulderstand), Salabhasana (Locust Pose), Vrksasana (Tree Pose) and Halasana (Plow Pose)--they discovered a significant decrease after the class.
The study's results don't surprise George Brainard, M.D., a professor of neurology at Thomas Jefferson Medical College. In 1995, he conducted a similar study, which also showed a significant drop in cortisol levels of subjects following a physical yoga practice.
"When I did the first study, I was very surprised that a single set of yoga poses could make a significant change in cortisol," Brainard says. "Now that we have repeated it, we have seen enough promise to consider studying it in challenging situations like chronically ill patients who have abnormally high levels of cortisol, such as those who suffer from depression, type 2 diabetes, Cushing's disease, and high blood pressure."
The findings suggest that practicing yoga--even for the very first time--can normalize cortisol levels that are either too high or too low, says Vijayendra Pratap, Ph.D., president of the Yoga Research Society in Philadelphia. "My hypothesis," he adds, "is that yoga brings the body to balance."
Exactly how it does this is still not clear. But Jennifer Johnston, yoga director and research clinician at the Mind Body Medical Institute in Boston has a theory. "The deep breathing we do in yoga elicits something called 'the relaxation response,' which invokes the restorative functions of the body," Johnston says. "Yogic practices also help to reduce muscle tension and deactivate the stress response."
So in addition to renewing your mind and spirit, yoga has now been proven to provide real benefits for your body. No longer do the everyday stressors of deadlines, a hectic schedule, and other pressures have to wear you down.
Practise yoga regulary to help dissolve inner tensions and decreascortisol levels along the way.
*Research notes reproduced in this answer taken from an article published by Linda Knittel, author of The Soy Sensation (McGraw Hill, 2001).
Hi aaronbryans
I find that the quickest way to reduce cortisol levels in the body is Australian Bush Flower Essences. This will not only work instantly but also allows the body to become more stable so that the release of cortisol that may hit you on a daily basis is more controlled.
I do agree with a lot of the information said by others, that an overall view of nutriton, water intake and other triggers need to be looked for long term benefits.
Im going to contradict what everyone is saying and say sugar is the simplest way to reduce adrenaline & cortisol in an emergency when these stress hormones are high sugar is the best fuel for the cells to run effeinently. Cane sugar because it contains fructose & gycose will keep blood sugar levels stable. Having suffered adrenal fatigue myself which results are HIGH amounts of coristol being released I found that reducing stress what the best things you can do so working IN and not working out is also good but sugar is your best friend make your you back it with protein though.
Certainly to look at your nutrition status. Sometimes it can raise when you are very stressed too. You would need a break down so you can see if it's the bad (LDL's) that is high. If your HDL's then this is pretty good. Include oats, berries, seeds and lots of fibre into your diet daily to excrete the bad fats and help to fight free radicles. Decrease, Saturated fats, caffeine, sugar, and alcohol. Avoid table salt and processed foods. Vitamin B3 - No flush Niacin can be very helpful but i would suggest you get specific help on the correct dose for you.
The advice on diet and fluid intake from Linda Belcher is great. By cutting out processed foods and following her suggestions you should notice a big difference. Make sure you concentrate on this first.
As far as exercise goes, I would encourage you to have Power Plate sessions at regular intervals. As well as getting stronger and fitter faster I have seen a significant difference in the stress levels of our clients than from conventional exercise.
If you want to try this please make sure you go to an Authorised Power Plate Centre. There are so many imitations that claim the same results as Power Plate but are based on totally different technology that won't achieve the same effect.
Try 'Light Force Energy Greens'. It's an alkaline product which eliminates acid, such as stress (which increases cortisol levels). Please visit the website below for more information.
Ellevated cortisol levels are indicative of an ongoing stress condition agravated by stimulants (caffein, cigarettes, etc) and excessive blood sugar swings/insulin form high GI foods.The liver has to also be functioning well in order to detoxify adrenal hormones.
Cortisol levels are great indicators of lifestyle and stress management. They are also directly connected to how we feel, our immunity and our metabolism. They will respond well to improvements in life style/diet and to detoxification programmes. A detox retreat may be a good place to start and provide with the necessary space and relaxation to re-evaluate all those contributing factors. For more information
I would suggest that stress-busting training and maintaining a low GI diet are going to be 2 of the most effective ways of reducing cortisol levels. Boxing, for example, is a great way to de-stress but any good cardio and resistance training program is going to help reduce cortisol. If you are able to couple a training regime with yoga and meditation, all the better.
Detoxing your body is most probably the best way to do it. I use homeopathy and a dietary change to help detox my patients. If you wish to find out more, please feel free to email me
Thank you
Mohamed Caffoor
Eliminate caffeine, sugar and stimulants
I give my clients a supplement programme of B complex, Vitamin C, and food enzyme to help digest and process food
Balance blood sugar - eat little and often - chromium supplements can help sugar cravings in the first instance - or licorice root capsules
Do some form of relaxation - yoga/meditation - ASWELL as physical exercise
Lubricate the body - lots of water - at least 2 litres a day possibly more
As Kinesiologist I always advise people to see a kinesiologist to gauge what is right for them but if this is not possible, then following the above will help.
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