I keep getting swollen spots under the skin on my chin that never form heads. What can I do?

These spots keep coming back around my chin and are very sore. I currently have three in the same area and they are not clearing up. Are there any treatments or things I can do that will help clear them up? I'm based in London.
Asked by Alita

5 answers

Top answer
Hi.If these are the same spots it is probably that the follicles are blocked,and therefore need to be cleared.A good way is to use either a salicilic or glycolic cleanser.These will help to unplug the pore,by gentle exfoliation of the dead skin that can contribute to the formation of these blind spots.This action will help the immediate problem as well as helping to prevent future outbreaks.Dermaquest do a great range of treatments and product,if there is a salon/clinic near you,that stocks it..If not emali or contact me and I can help advise further Sue..
Search Treatwell for Classic Facials near you
Hi , I am Julia Rhodes of West London Colonics.
Colonics can help a lot with stubborn skin conditions.
Since you are in London , you might want research this out a little for yourself , or chat me.
Julia .
Your skin problem is hormonal but can definitely be helped by having a "Deep Cleasnsing Facial " and a supplement of zinc capsules from a health food shop or Chemist . I specialse in facials but am in Hertfordshire . Also using a exfoliator once a week and then applying a deep cleanse face mask will also help. Cleansing the face every evening is also very important all these things will. Good luck.
it sounds like your skin might be carrying excess oil - we can recommend a great facial mask that you can use twice a week at home that will draw all the impurities out of your skin , is your diet rich with fruit and vegetables , if not a good qualify multi vitamin may also help . if you call our stockport clinic we can order and post the products to you
I would look at the cause first and they may clear up of their own accord. In that area they tend to be as a result of hormones. If you're on a form of contraception this may cause it. Or a large quantity of soya in your diet.... Agnus Castus supplements seem to work wonders if it is a hormone based reaction. Hope this helps.